The Hungarian Hockey Federation was founded in 1924 with the aim to unite, develop and promote field hockey in Hungary and the world. It is a founding member of the International Hockey Federation (1924, FIH) and the European Hockey Federation (1968, EuroHockey). The Hungarian national team participated in the Olympic Games once before, in 1936, where it finished in sixth place.


András Zsoldos
+36 70 283 8350

Vice president

Ferenc Ferenczi
+36 20 935 0821

Secretary General

András Péter Zsoldos
+36 70 311 1838

Office manager

Zsolt Ferenczi
+36 20 327 4931

International staff

Réka Orbók

Umpiring committee:

Umpiring committee chairman

Tamás Hermann

Umpiring committee chairman

Zsolt Ferenczi
+36 20 327 4931

Umpiring committee member

Márk Major

Umpiring committee member

Gergő Beszeda

Umpiring committee member

Balázs Szalay

Competitions committee:

Competitions committee chairman

Tibor Kákonyi

Competitions committee member

Ádám Szűcs
+36 20 528 3858

Competitions committee member

András Láng

Competitions committee member

Zsolt Ferenczi
+36 20 327 4931

Competitions committee member

Zsuzsanna Tóth

Competitions committee member

András Péter Zsoldos
+36 70 311 1838

Competitions committee member

Tibor Tápai

Competitions committee member

Bence Cservák

Competitions committee member

Gabriella Szomor

Competitions committee member

Balázs Petővári

Youth coordination:

Youth coordinator

Marcell Álló

Athletes committee:

Athletes committee chairwoman

Anna Viktória Fehér

Athletes committee member

Andrea Bálint

Tournament director:

Tournament director

Tibor Kákonyi

Amatőr Gyeplabda Egyesület

Batthyány Kázmér Gimnázium Diáksport Egyesület

2310 Szigetszentmiklós, Csokonai utca 6-14.
+36 20 327 4931

Kaptár Sport Egyesület

1192 Budapest, Hungária út 19., 1. em. 6.
+36 20 226 6235

Építők Hockey Club

2045 Törökbálint, Szent István utca 23.

Gerjen Hockey Club

Olcote Hockey Club

2337 Délegyháza, Fácán u. 8.
+36 70 311 1838


1163 Budapest, Vulkán utca 47.
+36 30 755 2209

Pedagógus Hoki Klub

+36 20 935 0821

1239 Budapest, Kelep utca 11.
+36 20 927 5338

1102 Budapest, Kőrösi Csoma Sándor út 28-34.
European Hockey Federation
International Hockey Federation
EHL - Euro Hockey League
EHL - Euro Hockey League
EuroHockey Institute
EuroHockey Institute
FIH Academy
FIH Academy
Hungarian Hockey Federation
1115 Budapest, Kelenföldi út 2. VI. épület
Phone: +36 1 270 9300
Fax: +36 1 270 9303
Tax ID.: 19013017-1-43



Central pitch
Varga Zoltán Sportpálya
1149 Budapest, Kövér Lajos utca 5.

Publisher responsible

Hungarian Hockey Federation
1115 Budapest, Kelenföldi út 2. VI. épület
Phone: +36 1 270 9300


Editor in Chief:
  • Zsolt Ferenczi (EuroHockey/FIH, Hungarian women's, men's championships, federation materials) E-mail
  • Lajos Balázs [admin] (Founding Editor) E-mail WEB
  • Marcell Álló (Professional materials for coaches) E-mail
Design, programming:
  • Lajos Balázs [admin] E-mail HockeyAssistant
    WebArticles content management system. V5.23.10113.1815 - Copyright © 2001-2023 Lajos Balázs
    HockeyAssistant The Hockey Manager Software is a software tool which is designed to help the work of tournament directors, the organizers, coaches or host clubs to manage any outdoor or indoor hockey championship, trophy, cup or any field hockey event. © 2002 - 2023 Lajos Balázs

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© 2004 - 2025 Hungarian Hockey Federation